Friday, August 2, 2013

How to install HP Systems Insight Manager (SIM) bundle in ESXi for hardware monitoring

Step-by-step installation HP SIM bundle in ESXi

HPSIM user & group creation

1) Login to ESXi using vSphere client.

2) Go Local Users & Groups to create user for WBEM credentials

3) Select "Groups" tab -> right click and select "Add" to create a group
Group name: HPSIM
Group ID: 500

"Groups" tab should show as below

4) Select "Users" tab -> right click and select "Add" to create a user
User Name: adm-hpsim
UID: 501
Make sure user "adm-hpsim" is a member of groups "root" and "HPSIM"

"Users" tab should show as below

5) Select the tab "Permissions" and provide "Administrator" role permissions to user "adm-hpsim" or group "HPSIM" (not necessary for "adm-hpsim" if group "HPSIM" is provided "Administrator" role)

"Permissions" tab should show as below

HP SIM bundle scan, list & install

Requirement: vSphere CLI to install HP ESXi offline bundle

1) Power off any virtual machines that are running on the host and place the host into maintenance mode.

2) Find out which bulletins are applicable to the ESXi host.
Search an offline HTTP server: --server <server> --scan --bundle http://<webserver>/
Search the local machine: --server <server> --scan --bundle <local_path>/
The --server argument is the ESXi host name or IP address.

Do not specify more than one bundle ZIP file at the command line each time you run the command. If you
specify --bundle more than once, the command processes only the last file that was specified.

3) (Optional) List all the bulletins that are available in the bundle.
Search an offline HTTP server: --server <server> --list --bundle http://<webserver>/
Search the local machine: --server <server> --list --bundle <local_path>/
This command lists all the bulletins contained in the bundle, even those that do not apply to the host.

4) Install bulletins from the bundle on the ESXi host.
Install from an offline HTTP server: --server <server> --install --bundle http://<webserver>/ --bulletin bulletin1,bulletin2
Install from the local machine: --server <server> --install --bundle <local_path>/ –bulletin bulletin1,bulletin2
If you omit the --bulletin argument, this command installs all the bulletins in the bundle.

5) Verify that the bulletins are installed on your ESXi host. --server <server> --query

6) (Optional) Remove individual bulletins. --server <server> --remove --bulletin bulletin1
Use this option only for removing bulletins that are third-party or VMware extensions. Do not remove bulletins that are VMware patches or updates. vihostupdate can remove only one bulletin at a time.

7) After bundle installation, ESX host should be rebooted to take effect of changes.

Adding ESX host to SIM centralized server

1) https://SIM_SERVER_HOST_NAME:50000/

2) Login using your domain admin account

3) Go "Options" -> Select "Discovery"
4) Select "New" -> Select "Discover a single system"
5) Deselect "automatically execute discovery every"
6) Keep Host name on system’s name field.

7) Select "credentials" on bottom of this page -> select "show advanced protocol credentials" on right top side of your page.

8) Select tab "wbem/wmi on top".

9) Update username as "adm-hpsim" and update its password -> Select "OK"

10) Select "save".

11) On top of your page select "run now".

12) check "target details"

13) To test whether the server is included in the SIM centralized server, Select "All systems" on left side from index -> select ESX server which has been added to SIM server

14) You should see properties under more information. Please select "properties", you will be redirected to another page you should see host identity, Status and Configuration.

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